Last Thursday an interesting bombshell was dropped at work which has seriously shaken-up my August. Friday was my friend's wedding which took place on an island in the middle of the Thames (such a lovely day). I woke up on Saturday to find that my sore throat (contracted on the train back from York on wed) had morphed into the most disgusting cold & cough. Despite my hideousness I hauled my sick self to Forest Hill to pick up my wedding dress on Saturday afternoon (:D totally worth it). My mum hosted a family lunch on Sunday to welcome my auntie and cousin who are over from New Zealand for the wedding. Monday was devoted to a lot of wedding craft (the bouquets are finished!) whilst the last two days involved yet more wedding shiz (vases, cake toppers, decor stuff, place cards). After a day of wedding admin I'm having tonight off - drinks on the south bank with a friend. Happy Thursday y'all.
What is inside the lollipop centerpieces?
ReplyDeleteour table had drumsticks but each table was different - jelly babies, chocolate buttons etc - it was v.cool :)