It's funny, I always think of January as grey, cold and lasting forever, and, to be fair, it has been all those things, but this year it's also been full of change. I've met more new people and been to more new places in the last month than I have in ages. As well as being incredibly social, January's been highly productive, not only in terms of job searching and interviews but in my efforts to exercise regularly and set aside time to get on with creative bits and bobs.
However, before I get too carried away with how amazing I am, I must confess that the little list of things I set myself to do January didn't go so well...
1. Finish all three books that I'm currently in the middle of. Nope this didn't happen. I only finished one.
2. Send out remaining wedding 'Thank You' cards. I actually finished writing all the cards on my list but Mitch still has all his to do. Hopefully we'll get a load of them written tomorrow.
3. Complete my auntie and uncle's Christmas present. I still haven't finished it. I ran out of one of the colours and lost the number so, ordering more is going to be impossible, there are SO many different shades. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about this other than taking the half finished picture into the wool shop and holding it up to the tapestry threads to find a match...
4. Look into ISA rates as my one with Halifax is crap. Although I've not moved our savings, I have identified which bank I'll be switching to.
5. Go through un-opened post and file away anything important, bin the rest. Yup!
6. Make full use of Orange Wednesday codes every week in January as it's coming to an end and there's quite a few films I want to see (Birdman, Fox Catcher, Wild). I have now seen Birdman and Whiplash but without the Orange Wednesday code. Thankfully it's not coming to end until Feb 25th so I've got a bit of time left.
7. Get a game of badmington once a week. 3 out of 4 weeks isn't too bad.
8. Try one new veggie recipe every week. Massive fail. I only tried one but it is a goodie which I'll definitely be making again.
9. Buy black tights. Yup but I could always do with a couple more pairs.
10. Oh, and, decent ones permitting, apply for jobs, two a day at least. I've been proper on it in terms of applying for jobs and I've even had a few interviews. I've got some freelance work to be getting on with as well as my shifts in the charity shop but the search for a job continues.
Hope you've had a colourful January too!