20 Dec 2013

tree alternatives

This year Mitch suggested that we shouldn't get a tree. Outraged, I forcefully suggested we did. To cut a long story short,  I eventually (and grudgingly) acknowledged that Mitch's reasons for a tree-less Christmas made sense, namely that we'd be spending Christmas, boxing day and a few days either side at my parents' house. So, rather than condemn our little flat to a grinch-y/bah humbug type state, I set about putting up some festive alternatives... Fairy lights, a long piece of string from which to hang our christmas decorations as well as xmas cards and lastly, a paper tree (complete with paper decorations) which I stuck to the wall in the living room. To jazz it up I put a vase of fairy lights and all our wrapped presents underneath it. You can't beat a real tree but it's a pretty good and completely free alternative :)

In other news, today is my last day at work until 2014 - crazy, I know. I've not been given this much time off for christmas since I was in school! Obviously, I'm not complaining especially as it may very well turn into a half day depending on whether we come back after our christmas lunch at the pub...

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Aww I love this, what a little bit of paper and string can do! Hope you enjoy your time off, not much better then saying 'I'm not back at work till next year' :)


Ta v.much :)

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