28 Feb 2015

February was...pretty meh

It's not been the best February which sucks because it's usually one of my favourite months (mostly thanks to my birthday & the fact that I tend to notice the days finally getting longer). The unemployment blues definitely got the better of me this month which made me v.anti-social, moody and kinda rubbish to be around to be honest. On top of that, one of my very best friends, one of my bridesmaids in fact, is leaving for Australia on Monday. I know it's absolutely the right thing for her to do and she is going to have the most amazing time and we have this clever thing called the internet and skype so we can stay in touch. But selfishly, I am so bloody sad. We gave her an epic send off last weekend and last night three of us went for a really lovely goodbye dinner (at Moro in Exmouth Market, which, incidentally, was lush and I can definitely recommend it). And so, I've said my goodbyes, written my farewell card and given her a USB stick of music and stuff that holds some awesome memories of the last 10 years. We'll skype, we'll send postcards and hopefully next year I'll fly out there for a visit :) I have so much love for this girl!

In other news, it's the end of February, time to see how I did with those goals... 

1. Dye my hair. Yep, got this sorted last week and I feel pretty good about it. Now to get it cut.
2. Book a doctors appointment. All done and dusted.
3. Transfer ISA account. Also done. Life admin-wise I did well this month.
4. Make a skirt from the red fabric bought at the knitting & stitching show. Fail. I've done exactly NO sewing this year so far, something I need to sort ASAP.
5. Find blue tapestry wool to finish my auntie and uncle's Christmas present (I really am the worst present giver ever). Massive fail. Although I've finally accepted what I've been putting off for the whole month: I am going to have to cut out all the blue I've done and start again (obvs having bought enough of the new blue to complete it). I am such an idiot.
6. Have people over for dinner. This didn't happen and it is v.unlikely to happen whilst we continue to live at my parents. Le sigh.
7. Continue with the weekly badminton session. I only managed 2 out of 4 this month - not for want of trying - but I did manage to go for a bike ride. I hadn't been on a bike in about 10 years and it was the most liberating feeling! It sounds stupid but I honestly felt flipping amazing peddling like crazy around the two parks nearest my house. Plus the weather was amazing that day.
8. Ebay the large-ish pile of clothes that I've been putting aside. I actually only Ebayed half of the pile but all but one thing sold :)
9. Bake a cake. Nope, that didn't happen and now that my parents are having their kitchen re-done, I don't see this happening any time soon.
10. Get a job, obvs. Ha! This hasn't happened yet either but I do have an interview next month which is exciting.

A not so bad result considering I was SUCH a grumpy grace this month. After feeling meh about February, I'm feeling really optimistic about March and I fully intend to make a positive start to it tomorrow :) Hope you're all having fabulous weekends wherever you are!


  1. Aw it sounds like you did well with your goals. But I totally relate, job hunting can be such a bummer. Will have my fingers crossed for your interview! I've been getting on the bike recently too for the first time in years and have been loving it! x

    Jasmin Charlotte | UK Lifestyle Blog

    1. It sounds stupid but I just completely forgot how awesome riding a bike is! Here's to more bike rides :) X

  2. Oh no! I'm so sorry about your friend moving so far away but keep in touch and remember, the older you get, life has a way of totally surprising you. In a few years ya'll may wind up living much closer or reuniting often again.

    1. Thanks Marg :) I really really hope so.

  3. I can empathise with your losing a friend (physically, at least) to the other side of the world; one of my best friends set off travelling in January for 18 months. Sucks balls doesn't it?! How very dare they leave us here and go off on adventures?! ;)


Ta v.much :)

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