25 Oct 2013

hair inspiration


link left and right 

link right

no link :( which is a massive shame as this girl's hair is amazing.

(Apologies for the lack of image links. It is v.annoying when you find a great picture on pinterest that leads to nowhere but some of these were too beautiful not include! If anyone does come across the original links to them do let me know.)

My 'do' has been rather lacklustre for the last two months or so. It's the longest time I haven't dyed it (so you can imagine the roots I'm sporting) and it's quite probably the longest it's ever EVER been. Both these things are largely due to laziness and a lack of funds but I'm also feeling rather unsure of what direction to go in. To dye it red again or to try a new colour or to continue letting the red (now a faded ginger) grow out and return to my original hair colour (mousy brown), which it hasn't been since the age of 17. Colour aside, I'm also wondering about the cut. I'd like to keep growing it but what about the fringe - is it time to let it go? Given that most of the hair images I've pinned on pinterest feature fringes I don't think I'm ready to kiss it goodbye just yet...


  1. I'm enjoying your fringe, mine is so temperamental. I always contemplate switching from a side to a full fringe in the winter but am never brave enough.

    Of course I have a lot of love for both Alexa Chung and Zooey Deushfhaanel's fringe.

  2. no drastic colour boo, it look tacky! FRINGE! the call of the fringe!! also delete alexa chung face she is terrible and should not be used for inspiration!! x

  3. I am very pro BOLD colour, but have to stick to the more natural end (bright orangey-reds) as I don't think work would be too happy with me sporting a bright pink or blue 'do! I wish I could grow a fringe as well behaved as yours - stick with it I say!


Ta v.much :)

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