29 Mar 2012


A few weeks back the folks over at Little White Lies magazine set their readers a task: Create a well known scene from a film using plasticine. Never one to allow a creative challenge to pass by (especially one that involved plasticine  - so many childhood hours making monsters and the like with plasticine) Mitch and I set about re-creating a famous movie scene...can you guess which film it's from...

Yes it's that bit where t-rex eats the lawyer off the toilet in Jurassic Park - classic moment and much loved film. Plus it meant that we got to make a dinosaur out of plasticine. Although I roughly shaped the body, Mitch deserves the credit for all the important details on t-rex :)
And here, for all those who are un-familiar with Jurassic Park (I hope there aren't many of you!), here is the real scene from the film.

Work in progress...

Sadly we didn't win the competition but it was great fun playing with plasticine again. Plus, we got to see all the other creative entries some of which are truly awesome. My favs: Little Miss Sunshine (which won), Wall-E, Ghostbusters, King Kong and Up.
See all the plasti-scenes here or on the Little White Lies facebook page.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - you guys did an amazing job with this - it must have taken you ages! What a fun idea though!


Ta v.much :)

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