9 Jan 2016

ideas for the new year

It's already the 9th January which means I've had more than a whole extra week to think about some resolutions *shudders* for 2016. Funnily enough, I don't have any! Damned if I'm going to be held to ransom the entire year by a few poorly chosen "resolutions" decided upon in the most depressing week of the year! However, what I do have are some loose ideas (sort-of-plans, sort-of-goals) for the year ahead. Behold...

 Enjoy living in my flat :)
Seeing as my top priority last January was to move out of my parents' house and buy a flat, THIS year my priority is to have a bloody good time in said flat. Mitch and I will have spent just over 20 months living in my parents' loft conversion (we're still there but moving day is imminent!!!) and I believe we deserve to be happy (and smug) about our first ever home together. Flat enjoyment ideas include: having people round for dinner, people to stay, painting the walls, putting up artwork (this is particularly exciting as having only ever lived in rented accommodation I've never been able to hang up anything on the walls!), making cushions (and, who am I kidding, a whole ton of other craft related home projects), sitting around watching TV in our pjs all day on weekends if we want to - oh-em-gee, I cannot wait!

 Start learning to drive
So, this is quite a big one. I am 28, v.soon to be 29, and I can't drive. I've never even driven a car for practice (Legoland cars don't count apparently). I've been realistic and gone for start learning to drive as opposed to be able to drive. I'm not stupid, I know lessons cost the earth and I'm going to need to start saving before I book any lessons. And in order to start saving properly I'm going to need to...

 Get a handle on my finances
This kind of speaks for itself but now that I have a mortgage (and a few other adult things like contents insurance) to think about, it's high time I got my self in order. Ideas include: Mitch and I getting a proper joint bank account, instigating a filing system for all the correspondence related to the flat (I recently mislaid an important document connected to the sofa we bought - it was enough to make me panic), I might even need to think about earning some more money...possibly some more freelance work or maybe something new altogether, who knows!

 Make stuff
As I mentioned in my last post, 2015 was a productive year in terms of my craft hobbies and I aim to keep this up! Some ideas: I've got a new sofa (and hopefully some stools!) that'll warrant cushions; I might also have another go at weaving on a bigger scale; I got a screen printing kit last christmas which I really want to try this year; I want to have a (proper) attempt at knitting socks - I've got the DPNs but all the patterns I've seen (even for beginners) look so very complicated, I think it might be of those situations when I'll just have to start and hope it becomes clearer as I go...

 Be nice to my body
I'm talking exercise, diet, body confidence and everything else in between. I wouldn't say I dislike the way I look (it took many years to get around to that way of thinking) but every now and again I see a picture of myself or I stand in front of the mirror and I think 'yeeeesh lady, you gotta make some changes'. Sometimes it's an unflattering angle, sometimes I'm in a mood but mostly it's because I think I'm making it hard for my body to be the best body it can. A v.meaty diet and a distinct lack of exercise over the last year has definitely been the root of the problem. So, some ideas for being kinder to my body: go to the gym twice (and maybe even three times) a week; reduce portion sizes (I don't have a bad diet but I do eat much too much); go running with Becky (when Mitch and I move into Peckham, my friend will be living a mere 10 minutes away!); less meat, more veg - ideally it'd be good to go back to only eating fish at home but we'll see what Mitch thinks; treat myself to a haircut (it does wonders for my confidence); cut down on takeaways; go swimming - it's a great form of exercise but I hate wearing a swimming costume (I feel so exposed!). However, there is a pool v.near us and Mitch said he'd come with me, so I've got no excuse.

 Travel! (but more specifically: visit more of the UK's cities)
There's SO much of the UK I haven't been to, it's actually quite embarrassing. 2015 seemed to be all about seeing the green spaces but I'd like 2016 to be about visiting this country's great cities. Places to see: Manchester, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Oxford, Bristol, Cardiff, Blackpool and (although it's not a city) Whitby. I also really fancy a trip to Northumberland. I do hope to get out of the UK at least a couple of times this year, Helsinki is in the planning stages and we might do a summer holiday, although nothing is set in stone.

So there you have it, my ideas for the year, nothing too demanding or unattainable, just some nice things to keep in mind for the next 12 months :)


  1. These all sound really good! I want to see more UK cities this year too, especially in the North. You definitely need to learn to drive, I do love driving and it's so worth it to be able to get around! x

    Jasmin Charlotte

    1. Yes! I hardly, if ever, go north of Norwich. And the real push behind learning to drive is so I can just drive the coast when I fancy it, rather than relying on trains :)

  2. Bristol is my very favourite city in the UK, I think you'll love it. On our list for 2016 are Edinburgh, Cardiff and hopefully Bristol AGAIN!

    1. Right, you both have to come to Edinburgh and we'll get a day out planned! ;) Love all these plans - I'm building up to a healthy eating plan... I've made it back to the gym but they've decided to close for a few days next week to refurbish the place. Great timing...

    2. Janet - I went to Bristol for the day for work and I loved what I saw, would like to spend longer there for sure.
      Elise - that'd be awesome! Good luck with the gym, I'm looking forward to getting back into a proper routine with mine.

  3. Ooh, best of luck with your driving lessons. I like to drive now but I remember there being a bit of a learning curve when I first started. I remember driving myself and my sisters to school in the morning, having my middle sister look out of the passenger side window and letting me know whenever I got too close to the curb. I would hear her scream "Curb, curb!" even in my sleep.

    1. Haha! I reckon I'm going to need something similar when I drive too :) and I guarantee I'll have nightmares about driving!

  4. Sound like great plans to me. I can't drive either and I turn 30 later this year, I started last year, well gave it a go and I freaked out too much trying to drive around a car park (probably scared the husband even more) but I really need to get over my hang up about it!

    1. I'm worried I'll be the same, my logic being that because I'm older I'll be overthinking everything...hope you have better luck with it this year. I'm going to concentrate on all the freedom it'll bring me and hopefully that'll help!

  5. Annie, so many great goals. January is such an odd time of the year - it really makes you question your life and what you want from it, scary but important. I think you definitely deserve a wondrous year in your flat - such an exciting time! Peckham is great, I lived in Camberwell until the beginning of this year (not too far away in Brixton now..), make sure you visit Nunhead cemetery! I hope you have a super shiny year and I shall look forward to seeing your goals come to fruition on here! x

    1. Ah cheers Ashley :) yes, I've heard v.good things about nunhead cemetery and I can't wait to explore all the new (to me) delights of Peckham! Ah, I love Brixton, lived there for almost 2 and a half years - it's all about south London for me :)


Ta v.much :)

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