1 Nov 2015

halloween weekend in numbers

2009 -  the last time I did anything to properly acknowedge Halloween. I don't know what happened this year but I decided to make some effort. (I think a shitty week and the fact that it fell on a Saturday had something to do with it.)

4 out of 5 - the rating I'd give Annihilation (which I finished reading on Saturday morning - I neeeeed the next one now!)

3 - the number of different arty-crafty projects I worked on this weekend: knitting my jumper (I'm on to the sleeve!), sewing a top (See Kate Sew's Zippy Top) and a design to submit for this fun caper

1963 - the year Valentina Tereshkova became not only the first woman to fly in space, but also the first civilian (she worked in a textile factory but was also an amatuer skydiver). Just one of the interesting facts about the Russian space program learned on a Friday night visit to the Cosmonauts exhibition at the Science Musuem. 

3:45am - the time I got home on Sunday morning after a fabulous night of ghoulishness and dancing at the Hootenanny in Brixton.

100 metres - the distance visability has to drop to in order to be classified as fog and bloody hell was it foggy today in south west London. Not that it bothered me, I like that muffled quietness and the way the trees and buildings gradually emerge from the mist, it's one of my favourite weathers to walk in.

2 - the number of jam donuts eaten earlier (I honestly thought they'd help with my hangover).

How was your Halloween?

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