1 Oct 2012

New Specs

Compared to the other weekends in September this, the fifth and final, one was rather quiet. Not that I'm complaining! There's was plenty of tea, sewing and tidying (our living room is looking particularly neat at present, I just hope it lasts!). We also managed to do some, much needed, clothes de-cluttering. A group of people in Brixton were staging a 'Give & Take' event on Saturday - ie, turn up with some stuff you don't want anymore and help yourself to stuff donated by others. I managed to cull a whole black-bag's worth of stuff and a few pairs of shoes. Also on Saturday these v.cute cat stickers arrived, I won them through a giveaway on Amy's blog. These little guys are guarding my light switch so now I just need to find a home for the others! The rest of Saturday was spent with my sewing machine. Spurred on by the drop in temperature I took it upon myself to start a new quilt for Mitch and I. My parents' quilt is also progressing and I'm pleased with how it's going. On Sunday my friend and I had a look around the vintage event at Brixton's Dogstar. She picked up a couple of items and I collected my new glasses from Auntie Aviator. It's only been a two week wait but it felt waaay longer. I cannot explain how excited I was to take them home – I love them! This pair now entitles me to a choice of specs to wear (as well as the option of my good old contact lenses) but I think I know which ones I'll be wearing pretty much all the time :)


  1. They look amazing on you! Thanks for the recommendation, I went on Sunday and grabbed a pair, similar to yours actually but more pointy at the edges. Can't wait to get them back. She's such a lovely lady too, I was chatting to her for ages. Love Brixton! x

  2. I LOVE those glasses, they look so great on you! I've been wanting to try on some similar styles.


  3. ah man i wish i knew about that give and take eveny, i have a permanant black sack of things for people to take!

    also love the glasses boo, proper nerdy cool. and I WANT THOSE STICKERS!!! so cute.

  4. these glasses are beauts! also 'give and take' sounds like a brill idea, how often is it on? if only i was daan saaf i'd totally hit that shit up xx


Ta v.much :)

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