26 Jun 2012

Tuesday's Tees - Narwhal Love

Narwhals - tusked, Arctic Ocean dwellers, members of the whale family and quite a spectacle to behold. I am a huge narwhal fan and to express my fondness for these magical* beasts I have devoted this edition of Tuesday's Tees to them entirely :)

*how can they be real?! they look like something from a fairytale - so amazing. I'm pretty much in total agreement with the last tee.

Narwhals Can - Zazzle
Unicorn of the Sea - BustedTees
Save the Narwhals - Crazy Dog Tshirts
100% Awesome - Skreened
On the Waves of Love - Gnome Enterprises and Modcloth
Born to be a Conductor - Threadless
Pretty Much F*cking Magic - Cellar Door

And, as if this couldn't get any better, this is actually post 100! To celebrate here is the cutest narwhal I could find <3

1 comment:

  1. yessss for obsessing over sea creatures of dubious existence! i agree narwhals are sea unicorns and look too cray to be real. xx


Ta v.much :)

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