Yesterday, we finally got to cash in on Mitch's christmas present: tickets to The Book of Mormon. I deserted work at 1pm, which felt unbelievably good, and headed to Piccadilly. There has been SO much hype surrounding this show that I was a little worried it wouldn't live up to it. And, to tell you the truth, if you'd asked me at the interval what I thought, I'd have said "yeah it's funny, the musical numbers are good but I'm kind of glad I didn't spend stupid amounts of money on the tickets". However, if you'd have asked me the same question at the end... "Hilarious! I loved it, you should definitely go and see it!"

It's packed full of the standard South Park (and Team America) gags - Mormon Hell is v.similar to hell in South Park - so if you love that sorta thing you'll like The Book of Mormon too. They definitely save all the best laughs for the second half - or perhaps, on reflection, maybe I just took an hour to get used to the seriously irreverent dialogue being spoken not by cartoons (or puppets) but by actual people - somehow that makes it worse I think. But, I
did get used to it and I laughed my arse off, particularly at the story-telling song near the end. I really didn't know that much about the Mormon religion before or now really, as, obviously, the show didn't really explain it but rather highlighted
many of the, ahem 'inconsistencies" surrounding it in a very
very funny way. Although we went to a matinée performance there were, of course, no children in the audience. If you're wondering how you'll be able to afford a ticket I would strongly recommend a matinée AND sitting the circle. It is steep but nothing will ever compare to my experience at the O2 arena so I didn't think it was that bad, plus, the view was in no way restricted.
Trafalgar Square looked so pretty in the just before sunset light.
The show finished at 5pm so we decided to wander over to the south bank and have some early dinner. I've been wanting to try Wahacca for the longest time so that's where we went. We both got the pulled pork burritos which were amazing but next time (as there will definitely be a next time - though probably not the south bank one) I want to try some of the smaller dishes and save room for dessert.
It was a proper treat to have a half day and do something a little different in the middle of the week. There's always so much going on in London, I really should do it more often.